
24 – 26 April

SFAM, Swedish Congress for General Practitioners, Uppsala, Sweden

6 May

Kardiologisten hoitajien koulutuspäivät (Training days for cardiologist nurses), Jyväskylä, Finland

14 – 16 May

Vitalis, Gothenburg, Sweden

16 – 17 May

Kliinisen fysiologian hoitajien koulutuspäivät, Helsinki, Finland

14 – 15 June

AEPC Teaching Course on Paediatric Arrhythmias, Helsinki, Finland

Arrhythmia investigations

Arrhythmia investigations

Identification of paroxysmal, transient arrhythmias: Intermittent registration more efficient than the 24-hour Holter monitoring

Hendrikx, T., Rosenqvist, M., Sandström, H., Persson, M. & Hörnsten, R.

Läkartidningen (2015, Jan 6) (Article only in Swedish)

Link to Abstract

Link to study

In this case report a patient who had been investigated by health care several times during a seven year period for palpitations is described. Routine examination with 24 hour Holter ECG and event recorder did not result in a diagnosis. Using Zenicor-ECG, a paroxysmal supraventricular arrhythmia could finally be diagnosed. Further investigation revealed that the patient had a concealed Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome.


Intermittent short ECG recording is more effective than 24-hour Holter ECG in detection of arrhythmias (Prima Rytm)

Hendrikx, T., Rosenqvist, M., Wester, P., Sandström, H. & Hörnsten, R.

BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2014, 14:41)

Link to study

In the Prima Rytm study Zenicor-EKG was compared with a Holter monitor in patients with symptoms suspected to come from the heart. Ninety-two patients were included, and only three could be diagnosed with serious arrhythmias using the Holter monitor. With Zenicor-EKG 13 patients were able to receive a correct diagnosis. This means that 80% of arrhythmias remained undetected using the conventional Holter monitor method.

Feasibility of patient-managed ECG recordings to detect the time of atrial fibrillation recurrence after electrical cardioversion; Results from the PRE-ELECTRIC Study

Andersen, E. L., Solberg, M. G., Walle-Hansen, M. M., Enger, S., Onarheim, S., Olufsen, M., Berge, T., Christophersen, I. E., Ulimoen, S. R., & Tveit, A. (2023).

Cardiology, 10.1159/000530304. Advance online publication.

Link to study

This study evaluated whether it was possible to use handheld ECG devices measuring the time it takes atrial fibrillation to recur after cardioversion. The results indicated that half of the patients in the study had atrial fibrillation reoccur within four weeks after cardioversion, while the median time for reoccurrence was five days. Almost 40% of the patients whose atrial fibrillation reoccurred were unaware of it. The study further concluded Zenicor ONE as an easy-to-use method for investigating the recurrence of atrial fibrillation after cardioversion.

Children cardiology arrhythmia investigations

Arrhythmia Detection in Pediatric Patients: ECG Quality and Diagnostic Yield of a Patient-Triggered Einthoven Lead-I Event Recorder (Zenicor EKG-2™)

Usadel L, Haverkämper G, Herrmann S, Löber R, Weiss K, Opgen-Rein B, Berger F, Will JC. Arrhythmias Detection in Pediatric Patients: ECG Quality and Diagnostic Yield of a Patient-Triggered Einthoven Lead-1 Event Recorder (Zenicor EKG-2) Pediatric Cardiology. 2015; Nov: 14: 1-6

Link to study

In a study of around 100 patients at Charité University Hospital in Berlin, the diagnostic ability of Zenicor-EKG in relation to 12-lead ECG was verified. It was confirmed that Zenicor-EKG works well at all ages (0–17 years) and was technically simple to use. Heart rate could be identified in over 95%, as for paced rhythms and tachycardia.

Handheld ECG in analysis of arrhythmia and HRV in children with Fontan circulation

Alenius Dahlqvist J., Karlsson M., Wiklund U., Hörnsten R. & Rydberg A.

Journal of electrocardiology (2014 Maj-Juni, 374-82)

Link to  poster

Link to study

In a study from Umeå University Hospital, 18 children were assessed for the possibility of calculating long-term variability in cardiac rhythm using Poincaré plot. The conclusion was that Zenicor-EKG can be used to search for cardiac autonomic dysfunction using Poincaré plot.

Tidstro ambulant arytmidiagnostik hos børn (Real-time mobile arrhythmia diagnostics in children)

Linnemann A. & Nielsen G.

Link to poster (Only available in Danish)

At Odense University Hospital the results of arrhythmia investigations in a time period of 1.5 years in which Zenicor had been used, a total of 29 children, were compiled. The children had previously undergone investigations using 12-lead ECG and cardiac echo, as well as Holter-EKG, cardiac stress test or R test without being diagnosed. With Zenicor-EKG 17 of the children (59%) could be given a diagnosis, of which 8 could be discharged as their symptoms could not be linked to arrhythmia, and 9 (31%) could be diagnosed with significant arrhythmia.