About Zenicor

Zenicor Medical Systems AB is a Swedish medical technology company which leads the development of systems and care pathways for arrhythmia diagnostics and stroke prevention within diagnostics of atrial fibrillation.

Zenicor’s solution is optimized for early diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias in healthcare, including atrial fibrillation, and the solution is currently available in ten countries in Europe. The system’s effectiveness has been documented in several studies and articles in internationally leading scientific journals. Zenicor works together with healthcare to develop an integrated and optimized care pathway for arrhythmia investigation with a patient centered focus and healthcare resources are used more efficiently.

Zenicor’s solution for early diagnosis with Zenicor One (thumb ECG) and Zenicor Flex is a complete portfolio for all types of cardiac arrhythmia investigations, which will be able to completely replace traditional Holter examinations. The solution is flexible for the healthcare provider as Zenicor One and Zenicor Flex are managed in the same system/platform, Zenicor View. This means that healthcare can easily choose the most appropriate investigation method, depending on the patient and the question at hand. Zenicor is also a service provider to healthcare with the product Zenicor Direct, to provide complete solutions with tailored ECG interpretation services and services for device logistics.

Zenicor’s solution has been used in the large screening studies STROKESTOP I and II, and now also in one of the world’s largest randomized screening studies SAFER in Great Britain and SAFER-AUS in Australia. These studies are carried out to provide information to health authorities for decisions on the introduction of national screening programs for atrial fibrillation. Zenicor operates from Stockholm and conducts development and manufacturing in Sweden, as well as international research in stroke prevention and screening for atrial fibrillation. Sales and marketing are done with our own staff.

Since January 2023, Zenicor has been certified according to the European Medical Technical Regulations MDR.