
Inhabitants in the region of Värmland, Sweden, are screened for Atrial Fibrillation

In 2024, two thousand people in Värmland will be screened for atrial fibrillation with the Zenicor One for early detection and reduced risk of suffering […]

Published: 2024-03-27 10:39
Published by: zenicor
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The screening project SAFER enters the final phase of screening

Stockholm 16 November 2023 People from over a hundred health centers in England are being screened for atrial fibrillation at a high rate with Zenicor […]

Published: 2024-01-31 13:36
Published by: zenicor
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A world-unique study shows that screening with Zenicor ONE can save billions

Stockholm 14 November 2023 The health-economic results of the large Swedish screening study STROKETOP, in which the Zenicor solution has been used to screen for […]

Published: 2024-01-31 13:35
Published by: zenicor
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The Swedish Heart and Lung Association publish report with Zenicor’s palpitation model in Region Värmland

Stockholm 9 May 2023 Today, the Non-Governmental patient organization The Swedish Heart and Lung Association published a report on Atrial Fibrillation “Flimmerrapporten 2023”. The report […]

Published: 2024-01-31 13:34
Published by: zenicor
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Zenicor obtains MDR certification and approval

Stockholm 20 January 2023 As one of the first Swedish SME companies, Zenicor has been certified according to the new EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR). […]

Published: 2024-01-31 13:33
Published by: zenicor
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Zenicor receives 2.7 million SEK to develop AI models for precision diagnostics

Stockholm 30 March 2023 Zenicor has today been awarded SEK 2.7 million by Sweden’s innovation agency Vinnova through the Swelife and Medtech4Health program “Collaborative project […]

Published: 2024-01-31 13:26
Published by: zenicor
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AFFORD-2 Study published

Feasibility of screening for atrial fibrillation in a domiciliary setting: opportunistic one-time screening at preventive home visits in municipalities Poulsen P-B. , Hemmingsen U., Melgaard […]

Senast ändrad: 2022-08-18 14:28
Published: 2022-08-01 17:48
Published by: mbpadmin
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Screening with Zenicor-ECG can save billions for Swedish Healthcare

During the European Digital Heart Congress ESC, the health economic results from the STROKESTOP study were presented for the first time. The study where the […]

Senast ändrad: 2021-09-02 17:41
Published: 2021-08-30 17:39
Published by: zenicor
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Strokestop II study published in Europace

Zenicor-ECG successfully used in another mass screening study for atrial fibrillation including 28 000 individuals. The goal of the study is to reduce stroke incidences […]

Senast ändrad: 2019-11-08 10:29
Published: 2019-09-26 14:48
Published by: zenicor
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Zenicor signs agreement with provider in NHS England

Zenicor has signed an agreement with a primary care provider in the English National Health Service (NHS) regarding the introduction of a more efficient care […]

Published: 2019-09-25 21:08
Published by: zenicor
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