Inhabitants in the region of Värmland, Sweden, are screened for Atrial Fibrillation

In 2024, two thousand people in Värmland will be screened for atrial fibrillation with the Zenicor One for early detection and reduced risk of suffering a stroke. The project, which is financed among other things by the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation, will determine how screening for Atrial Fibrillation can be implemented in the best way.

Region Värmland together with Karolinska Institut is starting a project, STROKESTOP 3, to investigate how best to implement a screening program to reduce stroke incidence.

Based on health economics from other studies, it can be estimated that the implementation of a screening program for 75/76-year-olds in Värmland would cost approximately SEK 10 million per year and could provide a future annual cost saving for the region of some SEK 100 million.

The screening will be done entirely remotely and with the Zenicor One ECG which will be sent home by mail. The interpretation of the ECG and diagnosis of possible atrial fibrillation takes place centrally. The persons will receive, via their local GP, an answer immediately after completing the two-week screening.