Message from the CEO
Every year, 15 million people worldwide suffer strokes. A third of them die within 30 days and another third are disabled for the rest of their lives. This causes patients a great deal of suffering and the cost to society is huge.
Atrial fibrillation, the most common form of cardiac arrhythmia, is one of the main causes of strokes. 20 Swedes suffer strokes every day as a result of atrial fibrillation. Many people have undiagnosed atrial fibrillation. Research conducted over the past 10 years has established a link between atrial fibrillation and stroke.
In recent years, Zenicor Medical Systems has established itself as a leading player in atrial fibrillation diagnosis and stroke prevention.
Our solution, known as Zenicor-ECG, consists of a handheld device (a thumb ECG) that allows the patient to register short-term ECG episodes over an extended period of time. The episodes are automatically sent to a central database via the mobile network. A healthcare professional can then review the patient’s ECG online at any time and make a diagnosis.
Zenicor-ECG combines superior diagnostics with high cost-effectiveness and user-friendliness for both healthcare staff and patients. With Zenicor-ECG, it is possible to diagnose up to 4 times more people with atrial fibrillation than with other methods. This has been demonstrated in a number of research studies. Without correct diagnosis these people would run a high risk of suffering a stroke.
More than 400 clinics, primarily in Sweden and the Nordic region, currently use Zenicor-ECG. We have also started operating in Germany and the UK, and already have a number of customer installations in these countries.
Mats Palerius, CEO
Zenicor Medical Systems AB