
24 – 26 April

SFAM, Swedish Congress for General Practitioners, Uppsala, Sweden

6 May

Kardiologisten hoitajien koulutuspäivät (Training days for cardiologist nurses), Jyväskylä, Finland

14 – 16 May

Vitalis, Gothenburg, Sweden

16 – 17 May

Kliinisen fysiologian hoitajien koulutuspäivät, Helsinki, Finland

14 – 15 June

AEPC Teaching Course on Paediatric Arrhythmias, Helsinki, Finland

New doctoral dissertation on Zenicor EKG

On March 23, 2015 Tijn Hendrikx, MD at the Vindelns health center and PHD student at the Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine – Umeå University, defended his thesis “Catch atrial fibrillation, prevent stroke. Detection of atrial fibrillation and other arrhythmias with short intermittent ECG.”

The dissertation is about how Zenicor EKG is a new, efficient and appreciated method of finding atrial fibrillation, which can help to prevent stroke.