Primary stroke prevention
Randomised controlled trial of population screening for atrial fibrillation in people aged 70 years and over to reduce stroke: protocol for the SAFER trial
Mant J, Modi R N, Dymond A, Armstrong N, Burt J, Calvert P, Cowie M, Ding W Y, Edwards D, Freedman B, Griffin S J, Hoare S, Hobbs F D R, Johnson R, Kaptoge S, Lip G Y H, Lobban T, Lown M, Lund J, McManus R J & SAFER author group, 2024.
Increasing the reach: optimizing screening for atrial fibrillation -the STROKESTOP III study
Khan M, Ingre M, Carlstedt F, Eriksson A, Skröder S, Star Tenn J, Rosenqvist M & Svennberg E.
Europace, 2024.
The feasibility of population screening for paroxysmal atrial fibrillationusing hand-held electrocardiogram devices
Mant J, Modi R N, Charlton P, Dymond A, Massou E, Brimicombe J, Freedman B, Griffin S J, Hobbs F D R, Lip G Y H, McManus R J & Williams K.
EP Europace 2024.
Screen-detected atrial fibrillation and ’micro-atrial fibrillation’ and risk of cardiovascular events after myocardial infarction in elderly patients
Berge T, Langeland Myhre P, Annesønn Kalstad A, Laake K, Tveit S H, Onarheim S, Solheim S, Seljeflot I, Arnesen H, Tveit A.
Cardiology, 2022.
Cluster randomised controlled trial of screening for atrial fibrillation in people aged 70 years and over to reduce stroke: protocol for the pilot study for the SAFER trial
Williams K, Narendra Modi R, Dymond A, Hoare A, Powell A, Burt J, Edwards D, Lund J, Johnson R, Lobban T, Lown M, Sweeting M J, Thom H, Kaptoge S, Fusco F, Morris S, Lip G, Armstrong N, Cowie M R, Fitzmaurice D A, Freedman B, Griffin S J, Sutton S, Hobbs Fd R, McManus R J, Mant J, The Safer Authorship Group.
BMJ open, 2022.
Feasibility of screening for atrial fibrillation in a domiciliary setting: opportunistic one-time screening at preventive home visits in municipalities
Poulsen P-B, Hemmingsen U, Melgaard T-A, Buch Elleby H, Wedell-Wedellsborg D, Dybro L, Lund I-M, Dixen U & Frost L.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal, 2022.
Clinical outcomes in systematic screening for atrial fibrillation (STROKESTOP): a multicentre, parallel group, unmasked, randomised controlled trial
Svennberg E, Friberg L, Frykman V, Al-Khalili F, Engdahl J & Rosenqvist M.
Lancet, 2021.
Mass Screening for Untreated Atrial Fibrillation: The STROKESTOP Study
Svennberg, E, Engdahl J, Al-Khalili F, Friberg L, Frykman V & Rosenqvist M.
Circulation, 2015.
Stepwise Screening of Atrial Fibrillation in a 75-Year Old Population: Implications for Stroke Prevention
Engdahl J, Andersson L, Mirskaya M, Rosenqvist M.
Circulation, 2013.
Uptake of atrial fibrillation screening aiming at stroke prevention: Geomapping of target population and non-participation
Engdahl J, Holmén A, Rosenqvist M & Strömberg U.
BMC Public Health, 2013.
A prospective 5-year follow-up after population based systematic screening for atrial fibrillation
Engdahl J, Holmén A, Rosenqvist M, Strömberg U.
Europace, 2018.
Stepwise mass screening for atrial fibrillation using N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide: The STROKESTOP II study
Gudmundsdottir K K , Fredriksson T, Svennberg E, Al-Khalili F, Friberg L, Frykman V, Hijazi Z, Rosenqvist M & Engdahl J.
Europace, 2020.
Screening for atrial fibrillation with baseline and intermittent ECG recording in an out-of-hospital population
Hendrikx T, Hörnsten R, Rosenqvist M, Sandström H.
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 2013.
Systematic screening for atrial fibrillation in a 65-year-old population with risk factors for stroke: Data from the Akershus Cardiac Examination 1950 study
Berge T, Brynildsen J, Larssen HKN, Onarheim S, Jenssen GR, Ihle-Hansen H, Christophersen IE, Myrstad M, Røsjø H, Smith, P & Tveit A.
Europace, 2018.
Feasibility and outcomes of atrial fibrillation screening using intermittent electrocardiography in a primary healthcare setting: A cross-sectional study
Ghazal F, Theobald H, Rosenqvist M, Al-Khalili F.
PLoS One, 2018.